Florida Corp Filing Fees

Starting a corporate or business in Florida follow with certain questions such as what and how to pay Florida corporation fees. What are the charges to initiate an LLC in Florida and what are the fees and taxes?


Incorporating in Florida means you are forming within the state of Florida a corporation. It allows raising capital.


Incorporate in Florida

Incorporating in Florida means you are forming within the state of Florida a corporation to safeguard protects you from liability, allows you to raise capital by selling your company shares and to provide tax deductions. Making the incorporation process easy is possible. Thus, anyone as a sole proprietor or entrepreneurs can find online resources to do the process of incorporation.


Florida Cost to Incorporate 

The incorporating cost in Florida is $70 as the base fee. This is inclusive of the registered agent filing fees. The total cost is based on various other factors such as the business type and the location. The State Division of Corporations in the Florida Department of accepts payment additional fees as payment. The fees include:


  • Certificate copy/ certificate of status – $8.75
  • Foreign name renewal/ Active business registered agent resignation- $87.50
  • The Registered agent of Inactive business’s resignation: $35
  • Profit/non-profit reinstatement – $600/$175


Anyone wishing to form in Florida an LLC must acquire the essential licenses and permits to operate the industry. They also should file the required papers and complete the paperwork. It is not mandatory to have an operating agreement, but having one is recommended. An operating agreement mentions each member’s role. In Florida, filing documents online helps in creating an LLC with ease.


The Annual corporate filing fee

Each Florida business should once a year file their annual report. They should file with the Florida Division of Corporations. The Florida annual corporate filing fee for domestic and foreign corporations is $150. The foreign and domestic LLCs pay $138.75 as the filing fee. However, the Partnerships pay a $500 as the filing fee. The late fee is $400 for the annual report. It is also important to confirm the regulatory organizations as a Florida LLC renewal varies with the industry.


Advantages of Incorporating 

The biggest benefit is there is no personal income tax to be paid. Some states, outside Florida, charge a 5.5 percent as tax when the taxable income crosses $5000.  In Florida, the ‘S’ businesses are non-taxable and they are not asked to file income tax state returns. Thus, they can save money.